Product FAQ's: Gold Cards & Gold Tickets

The Gold Card/Ticket, everyone's favorite fundraising product!

How do I register my Gold Card?

You don't. it is ready to use as soon as you have it in your hand. Just go to the store, show your card, and enjoy the discount.

How do I use my Gold Card/Ticket?

While inside a business that is on a card/ticket present them the offer and they should be able to take it from there.

When does my Card/Ticket Expire?

On the front or back of each Card/Ticket there is an expiration date! They are normally good for approximately a year after the start of the season.

How often can I use my Gold Discount Card?

You can use your card each day until it expires.

I never received my Gold Card/Ticket that I purchased online. 

The player you supported should have provided you with the Gold Card/Ticket. Please contact them to arrange delivery. If they are out of stock, please email us at with your order information. You also have access to the digital version once your order has been placed.  Please visit for directions on how to access your Digital Gold Card.

A business would not accept my card/ticket, what do I do?

Please contact us right away at with the merchants information (store name and address/location) so we can reach out and clear up the issue as quickly as possible.  Please know most stores have a large turnover and new employees might not be aware of the discount. These discounts are provided to us directly by the store owner or manager. 

My Favorite place isn’t on the Card/Ticket can I still use it there?

Unfortunately no, however let them know you would like to see them on there for when we reach out for next year.

What is the difference between a Gold Card and Gold Ticket?

Gold card is for the most part Unlimited uses throughout the year and the tickets are single individual uses that the business will collect after use

Do the cards/tickets work all over the United States?

Unfortunately, no it does not.  Your discounts on the Gold Card/Ticket are for local merchants. Most of our teams are located in the New England and Northeast regions of the US.  But we’re growing rapidly and will be representing teams in the Southeastern US really soon! 

That said, if you are planning to donate to a fundraiser with one of our teams, your contribution would not only gain you access to our database of local merchants, but our Online Deals network as well.  Typical savings on travel and shopping are 30% off retail. It’s pretty awesome on its own! 

You can take a look at – if you purchase the gold card, this is the Online Deals network you’ll have access to.

Who acquires the deals from the businesses that are on the Gold Cards/Tickets?

Our Merchant Team is responsible for pursuing and securing all of the partnerships with local and national businesses for our Discount Product programs. We take pride in our long-standing relationships with many of the retailers and service providers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions, and we secure a contract each year to guarantee validity. Also, it is 100% FREE for businesses to participate, so it’s a “win” for them, too.


If there are any further inquiries or issues that haven't been addressed above, please feel free to reach out to us via email at