Product FAQ's: Artisan Soft Pretzels

Question about pretzels? Read on for more info.

When will will the supporters/customers receive their order?

Orders will be fulfilled within a week and shipped within 2-3 weeks from day of purchase. 

If it has been over 3 weeks from the date of their receipt please have them email us at

How perishable are these pretzels?

Please note that our products are shipped frozen and intended to thaw in transit. So don't be concerned when they arrive thawed. They are always shipped with expedited delivery and are intended to arrive within 3-4 days of leaving our facility. If your delivery takes a little longer than expected due to carrier delays, don't worry, they will stay fresh for up to 7 days before needing to be refrozen.

It's important that the box is opened upon arrival, and enjoy the goodies right away or immediately freeze them to preserve their freshness. They will not stay fresh in the box, on the counter, or in the refrigerator. They must be RE-FROZEN. 

 How long do they last in the freezer? How about the refrigerator?

Pretzels should not be stored in the refrigerator. However, our pretzels will last in the freezer for up to 12 months! If they are not going to consumed right away, should be put into the freezer right away.

What does the “best by” date mean on the packaging?

The ‘best by’ date for optimal freshness is one year prior to the “expiration” date. We suggest the product is consumed by this best by date for optimum freshness. It is not an expiration or safety date. 

Nutrition facts on the pretzels:

CLICK HERE to view a printable file with all the info needed.

Warming instructions for the pretzels:

CLICK HERE for a printable PDF with our most common storage FAQ's and warming instructions for each product! Instructions are also located on packaging.

Can the pretzels be heated any other way?

We recommend that you heat up the pretzels using a conventional oven. We do not recommend heating the pretzels in the microwave. Other heating methods will vary, so proceed at your own risk.

Where are these made and shipped from?

Boston, MA

Where are the products made and where are the ingredients sourced?

The artisan pretzel are manufactured in Boston, MA. Their ingredients are sustainably sourced, and they never use any artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives.  Nutrition information can be found in the attached file.


If the customer/supporter has any further inquiries please have them email Customer Service at