Product FAQ's: Chocolates

Question about chocolates? Read on for more sweet info.

When will will the supporters/customers receive their order?

Orders will be fulfilled within a week and shipped within 2-3 weeks from day of purchase. 

If it has been over 3 weeks from the date of their receipt please have them email us at

Will they receive tracking when their order ships?

Yes, Tracking is emailed to them once the order has been fulfilled, email comes from Please have them check their spam folder if they do not see the email. 

How are orders shipped?

Shipped either USPS or FedEx. Our fulfillment center chooses the carrier that will deliver most quickly, depending on their proximity to the fulfillment center.

If a customer orders during summer shipping delays, when will their order ship?

The vendor is tracking weather patterns and carrier speeds - and we aim to deliver all orders in mid September. All shipments are processed in the order they were received.

Where can they find chocolate Nutritional information?

CLICK HERE to view or download our printable PDF regarding all chocolates!


If the customer/supporter has any further inquiries, please have them email Customer Service at