Your most common app questions, answered!
How to I join my fundraiser on the app?
Let's get started! Before the fundraising Kickoff meeting, your campaign join code will be on the Campaign Page. That allows coaches and team leaders special access to the campaign stats dashboard. From here, you can view product details, monitor team progress, send messages to your group, and edit sale or reward details. Coach having an unusual issue? Have them email us to let us know how we can help:
Can I send messages to my teams?
Of course. Log into your account, select the campaign, and tap the "Messages" icon. Tap "Compose" at the bottom right, and type the subject and body of your message in the designated fields. The message will be sent to your team right away, and they'll receive a push notification that there's a message waiting for them in the app. Team messages are a great way to communicate important fundraiser details, remind your team of checkpoint or blitz dates, or send encouraging words to boost confidence!
How do I claim an Earned Reward for a participant in my campaign?
If a participant earns a reward, they must also CLAIM it by specifying sizing or other details. A push and email notification is sent to them, but as the fundraiser nears an end, one or two people may still have forgotten to claim a Reward, You can make sure your team gets EVERY prize they earned by claiming that reward for them. All you have to do is tap the "Rewards" section of the campaign dashboard, and you'll land on the "Pending" tab of your Rewards reporting. If there are any Rewards that remain unclaimed, you can claim them on behalf of the participant.
How do I extend my campaign?